This Masterclass in proof theory (MCPT) is primarily aimed at graduate students and early career researchers in mathematics, philosophy, and computer science with an interest in foundational questions in mathematics. The four-day event consists of introductory classes on proof theory by Michael Rathjen (Leeds) and Peter Schuster (Verona), the latter focussing on The finite content of transfinite methods. These will be enriched through advanced evening lectures by Norbert Gratzl (MCMP, LMU Munich), Helmut Schwichtenberg (LMU Munich), and Monika Seisenberger (Swansea). The event will take place on the premises of the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation, right next to Munich’s picturesque Nymphenburg Palace and Gardens.
OrganisersHosea von Hauff (MCMP), Dominik Kirst (Saarland), Sophie Nagler (Oxford/MCMP), Robert Passmann (ILLC), Hannah Pillin (LSE/MCMP) and Deniz Sarikaya (Hamburg).
SponsorsThis event is made possible due to the generous support by the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung München, the German Mathematical Association (DMV) and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy.